Well, I really don't like it, but I also think it introduces an artificial foolish element to the draft, like would be the case if the NFL had their 7-round draft with slots and you had to sign all of the guys from the first 5 rounds to get all of you slot $, so you would end up with the 6th and 7th round picks being better talents and getting bigger bonuses. I'm not really commenting on the overall utility of the 2012 changes, although I'll admit up front that I don't see the owners saving $ on the draft or the system at that time paying old vets a lot more than their worth. A dollar spent on the draft or international bonuses, today, as well as pre 2012, was just about the wisest spending a team could make (spending on scouting and development staff was and is likely the biggest bang for the $ and totally unregulated)..If you believe in efficient allocation of resources, or if you believe in fairly paying players for their contributions to wins and team income, then the young players are underpaid and the oldest players are overpaid and the long, guaranteed contracts to the older 'stars' are some of the least fair and efficient spending in MLB.