Middleton also thought the 2012 team was going to get him his trophy back when he signed AJ Burnett.
This team is a mirror image of the 2022 team. That team had a tough early schedule and a slow start. It's possible Girardi still could have righted that ship, though obviously Thomson's style was well-suited. Even so, and even with the trade deadline, they could have missed the playoffs or lost to the Cardinals. If that had happened Thomson doesn't stay and who knows what '23 brings, including whether they get Turner and Wheeler and Nola are re-signed a year later.
This year they came out like gangbusters and the premise of the team was, run it back except with our young players getting better. None of them really did in the end with the exception of Bohm but only in the first half. And then they repeated last year's timid trade deadline in terms off the line-up. Playoffs and bullpens are both crapshots and that sure showed out.
I don't really care about Dombrowski's trade deadlines, but his construction of the starting nine has proven to be flawed. Doubled down too much on the free swingers and batting average-driven guys (with the exception of Schwarber) as well as aging players and put his chips on young players (only one of whom he acquired himself) who haven't worked out the way he thought they would in the short-term.
But, this was still a good team. They won the East. And now it's time to make sure they can win it again and not backslide into 6th wild card or out of the playoffs (though sixth wild card does not seem to be the end of the world) while facing even stiffer competition from the Mets and Braves.