You love how he formats that ( I find it more or less "blinding," and very noisy. I'm guessing what you really like is not so much the formatting as the content?
Lots of information, for sure - and a place to go to find (or at least to check/confirm) things like options remaining. But it's just too neon for me to treat it as a primary/regular source.
As you noted, not "the best for printing," which is what LSP was looking for - something clean and simple that he could access periodically/keep on hand as a quick resource. There's an inherent tradeoff in such things - as you add more kinds of information to your web page (or overhead slide, or embedded graphic in a document, etc., etc., etc.), you inevitably make the thing less accessible, harder to follow, etc. I know in my own spreadsheets - when I know going in where all the relevant data lives, etc. - I still make use of showing/hiding columns, for instance, to reduce the data clutter so I can focus on what I need at a given time.