Batten down the hatchets and brace yourself.
That would be hatches we're battening down, right?
Oh, my! THAT really takes me back, PC! Oh, yeah. 1972 - Kresge Auditorium. (I was young once...)
Shouldn't this go in the politics thread
Okay this is all obviously over my left coast head!
Reaction to a political ad. Be happy about your sanity if you're not following this...
Aww... I guess I had hopes it referred to extraterrestrials or some such! Or maybe Phillies’ prospects with challenging Caribbean names? So many possibilities that don’t involve the pending insanity. (We voted over a week ago, so the current bombardments are just noise...)
All I could think of was “ They’re coming to take me away, ha, ha. They’re coming to take me away.” However, I much prefer aJulio’s “Close Encounters” to mental institutions.
Obviously talking about the forthcoming BSG invasion. And I did mean hatchets.
BSG is shutting down as of 11/1. They have a new location; wish them all the best. But they are not planning to was a joke.
What is BSG?
BSG is "Back She Goes", a board that began when Philliesphans split back in 2007 (I believe). It's undergoing a name change and new management. Things were not certain for a few days, but they seem to have survived as a community.
Thank you, pc! An end to the mystery. I struggle to remember all of life's acronyms.
I was around in 2007 and I have no recollection of that!
I think things came to a head here in December of 2006 when the schism went down over irreconcilable differences over board climate. There was also the short-lived A few years later, philaphans had a similar schism with the rise of