Come to think of it it is certainly possible that the restriction will still be in place, unless they specifically waive it for America or country-by-country. The virus is still serious enough, and vaccination rates still low enough, that a blanket reversal seems unlikely.
They could also work on an exemption and testing requirement for MLB players specifically, but the optics of that would be bad. But they had it last year. Unlike America Canada is also more willing to take the position of "not vaccinated? tough!" Whereas even NYC is eventually going to cave on its (admittedly very inconsistent) policy that's still affecting Kyrie.
Would love to see the union sqawk about this one, when they're unwilling to have a mandate. Not exactly a small issue if you are an unvaccinated player on an AL East team and make a lot of money (or are a fringe player getting service time for the first time - might get you sent down, even).