I agree, but the reason I say we were snookered is that the Giants knew his concussion woes were well in place when they traded him. Some of his concussions with us, including his last as a catcher at Allentown, were not the sort of blows which take out a catcher who doesn't already have serious concussion issues. The damage was already well underway when we got him. My analogy is Gillies, whose leg problems pre-dated his time in Philly. The Phillies did their part in destroying Gillies -- I was in attendance at the game, where I believe his woes as a Phillies farmhand first came to the fore --- an absolutely brutal April game at Reading, when a guy with his leg problems should not have been playing. To be completely honest, no baseball player should play in such weather. Why they persist in scheduling April night games in Reading baffles me -- yes, I now, probably marginally more tickets sold, but moving the guys from FL temps to April nights at Reading is something the big-league Phillies should forbid their AA franchise from doing.