I don't disagree, andyb - my solution is to basically avoid watching telecasts, at least live. The radio in the background (or an audio stream, depending on where I am), with other things being done. Or follow on the game thread. Or (gasp) leave the house to go to a meeting, or a rehearsal, or out with the spouse, etc., and check on the score later.
I don't put up with being bombarded by advertising in general. I watch certain programs/films on Netflix and such streaming sites; I don't watch, or pay for, mainstream cable because I find the idea of paying corporations to bombard me with advertising to be silly. I read books. I spend time on internet sites. I cook.
I don't sit in front of the TV for three hours a day - any day. a couple of hours on Sunday evening with my wife (The Great British Baking Show!). I don't need mindless entertainment, smothered with tacky advertising. Life's too short.