I'm sure there are many threads about cheesteaks especially buried in here!
Personally, I grew up on Jim's, and still think of Whiz as classic. I think 95% of people who list a "favorite" don't truly have an objective reason other than it's what they grew up with. Have always liked D'allesandro's as well but feel that is partly because they are similar to Jim's (particularly the meat being chopped not sliced so steak, cheese, onion and bread all become one).
These days nearly every place in Philadlephia is featuring Cooper Sharp or their own cheese sauce (often made from that) and it's great, with seeded rolls also popularized by Angelo's and Sarcone's Bakery but sometimes I think it would be nice to just go back to whiz or American and a simple roll (and provolone is of course a whole other experience too. But I save that for roast pork myself. And, call me a savage, I like ketchup).
Living here again I find I almost never get them, whereas I'd get one at least once a year visiting and also once or twice a year if I found a credible looking place elsewhere. I'm walking distance from John's, the former Tony Luke's, Pat's and Geno's (only if you're a tourist!), Ishkabibble's and Jim's (which I have yet to go back to since they re-opened), among others. When I do get something cheesteak like it is usually from two neighborhood joints, Pizza Plus (they do a fine job) or Avenue Steaks (amazing cheesesteak eggroll).
I used to make them myself too with some kind of shaved steak Trader Joe's used to carry. The slicing or chopping always seemed like the biggest challenge if you don't have a deli slicer or a butcher to do it for you. Making your own cheese sauce seems like a good home upgrade, that can be done chemically (sodium citrate) or just the same way you'd make queso or Mac and cheese (but it can't be too sharp).