Ahhh, Rico Carty. As long time Philliesphans posters know [and I get good naturedly teased about] so much of my Phillie phandom connection revolves around my first entrance into the arena of choosing a favorite team to root for...the 1964 Phillies. I still recall, as if it was yesterday, almost every game of that mystical, magical season and there are still a few posters here [allentown, julio] who also remember that season.
As a very young fan I was totally engrossed in that season and growing up in the Bay Area, 1964 was a particularly interesting experience because before the Cardinals and Reds rudely decided to enter the Phils rarefied air of NL contenders, it was the San Francisco Giants who battled my beloved Phils during that unforgettable Summer of '64. And as July turned to August, incredibly it appeared as if the Phils might well win the pennant, the team was hot, Frank Thomas and Alex Johnson had been added to what was now a very potent offensive juggernaut and the Giants began to fade. And after winning 4 of 5 against the Pirates at Connie Mack Stadium with outstanding starting pitching from Bunning, Short, Art Mahaffey and Rick Wise, the Phils woke up in Milwaukee on August 24 with a 7.5 game lead.
What on earth does this have to do with Rico Carty? Well, many historians insist the collapse began on Sept 21, when Chico Ruiz stole home and a 10 game losing streak ensued. But a closer study of the Phils evolving season might realize it was on August 24, a night when Rico Carty went 5-5 in a 12-9 victory for the Braves that began a slow inexorable 14-23 slide that allowed the Cards to make up 12 games in the standings.
Carty was offensively everywhere that night, he pummeled Mahaffey, he pummeled Dennis Bennett, he pummeled Ray Culp and even worse, he brought to light a theme that would eventually prove fatal...the Phils staff, which had looked so deep, would devolve into basically a Short and Bunning and then start Running rotation at the end of the season. Neither Carty nor the Phils realized that night what was about to take place, but his 5-5 night started a slide that would likely keep Gene Mauch and Dick Allen out of the Hall of Fame and deprive Johnny Callison of a much deserved MVP trophy that year.
And forever tarnish what was at the time a most beloved and appreciated Phillie team.
RIP Rico Carty