You said comparing the mortality rate the flu isn't fair because the flu was mild last year. There is no C19 shot, so if anything we should consider this the flu without any preparation.
Whether you want to blame the CDC or the FDA for the lack of testing, whatever. Last weekend California had 7400 test kits. Even if the true number of kits is 75k, that is laughably low. I'm sure there are smart people that work at the CDC. That doesn't mean I can get tested if I show symptoms.
The rate at which this infects other people is an issue. The fact that some people show no symptoms is an issue. The long incubation period is an issue. The fact that we won't have enough health care workers/resources to treat what would normally be non-fatal is an issue.
Nursing homes are just shutting down to visitors. A lot of elderly people who aren't showing symptoms yet are going to be in trouble in 2 weeks. The issue isn't that non-elderly or people without a complicating condition won't die, it's that the rate at which people will die because we don't have the resources to treat them.
Of course exponential growth will flatten. Only a certain number of people exist in the world. However, if you compare the initial growth rate in other countries to the US, then you should realize this is a problem and why it's being treated as such.
Ok, I'm done with my rant. I hope this blows over without too big of an impact. And if it does, then I hope people realize that the quarantine was the reason instead of saying "i told you that people were overreacting".