Ironically, President Trump, in his obsession with managing the short-term news cycle 10 months prior to election day, and with laser focus on the stock market as the barometer of his success, tried to downplay/ignore the virus, when it still could be contained. The stock market is not the economy and the cruise and airline industries he catered to are not the stock market. In addition to probably more than doubling our death toll from Coivid-19, he caused a longer economic closure and collapse than needed. He has seriously damaged his re-election chances, because he was emotionally unable to look beyond the news cycle and whether he was winning on each particular day, back in January and February. He seems incapable of long-, or even intermediate-range planning or even thinking. Even if the only thing he cared about was his personal re-election, in politics, 10-months out you have to play chess and consider moves dozens of moves ahead. Unfortunately, we have a president who is challenged by checkers-level logic/thinking/planning. Julio is correct that this was apparent long before the 2016 general election. In the primaries, too many Republicans decided that they wanted a brash, loud-moth bully-boy, who would never admit error.