I take the opposite view. I'd rather go $160-180M/4 than $300/10. I think in terms of your overall cost/WAR a team will get more of a bargain on a shorter deal -- almost always. Also way less risk. Also we aren't hurting for $ or salary cap over the next 4 years, but may well be hurting as we get out to the end years of a 10 year contract. I had assumed that Boras/Harper wanted to wave a big 10 year -- 300++ deal for PR/bragging rights and had hoped that we could structure a deal to entice Harper to take an opt out after 4 years. If he's willing to take more annual $ over 4 years, that's my plan, minus the risk that he decides not to opt out, due to whim, injury, a bad season, whatever. I say GREAT. If, as rumored, we are already offering over $300 million, then we aren't all that far from $40 million a year, anyway.