Nori got $2.5M or 77.4% of the slot bonus, because he went to the combine (or anyone else who went to the combine) you have to offer at least 75% or you don't get the pick. So let's assume that we all like Burkholder and that $2.5M was the agreed upon price, and you don't want to lose the first round pick if negotiations go bad, you can technically go down to $2.42M, but let's use $2.5M so you aren't telling your 1st round pick he is getting less. Those two bonuses combine to use $5M of the $7.75M max to spend and actually put you at $45,000 deficit you need to make up in rounds 3-10. The next player to sign for less than $2.5M is Kyle DeBarge at pick 33 and he takes $300k under slot, not $700k. Brody Brecht, a popular candidate took $2.7M on an overslot deal at 38, which he probably needs more than that at 27, and certainly means you have to choose between Burkholder and multiple rounds of later picks. MLB ranked Nori 48th, the first player ranked better to get less money was 33rd ranked Caleb Lomavito at pick 39. The first HSer to rank lower and get less was 41st pick LHP David Shields ranked 41st.
Let's take it the other way, you take Burkholder 1st and then look to spend that money on someone better than Nori later. The only players ranked better than Nori to be picked after Burkholder and sign RHP Ryan Johnson ($1.75M pick 74, rank 47th), RHP Joey Oakie ($2M pick 84, rank 46th), OF Dakota Jordan ($2M pick 116 rank 34). All of which is to say that Burkholder drives the Nori pick and reversing them doesn't actually change things too much.