I clicked the NLCS tickets button and now I’m in some virtual waiting room where they say users will be selected at random to enter the site and buy tix. It refreshes every 45 seconds automatically.
yeah there is no good online ticketing system. either you're stuck in a queue until tix are already gone or you are "randomly selected" but it never happens or something just goes wrong. But until 7am the refreshes don't really do anything so we'll see.
Would love to be wrong but expecting a shutout here.
Same here.
pretty sure they are all gone already. have seen a few people on Twitter who got in and got, but mostly not (either they never got in or they got in and there were no tickets).
That was a rough experience. I tried to get tickets for Friday and every time I tried to place the order it said information was missing. I backed out of Friday and went to Sunday. After multiple tries, I finally landed some. I'm hoping they play at least 5 games.
I think there maybe tickets in San Diego. On the Ballpark App, the green ticket thingy is there for the for four games at Petco Park.
yup SD tickets are much easier (and were already on sale).
Congrats Tom!
I would just like to get out of the waiting room and sink or swim and get on with it.
Same experience for me. I selected some tickets a few times but got the info missing error too
It looks like there are single seats available.
I caved and bought nosebleed seats from Seat Geek for Friday.
How does parking work since I didn’t buy tickets from the Phillies? Eta: nevermind I was able to get them from the Phils website.
I got in but can't past the error message. shows me singles but then say information is missing. I know this happened to a lot of people, not sure how to get past it or if the bug is that the tickets aren't actually available to begin with.
I just tried repeatedly. I have no idea why it finally accepted me; it seems to be very buggy.
at this point I suspect the bug is that the tickets don't actually exist.
Very jealous of anyone who got tickets. I would love to just be in the city for the games. Watching alone in my apartment at 3 am isn't quite the same!
Got out of the waiting room and it wouldn't let me buy any mix of seats. There is no good way to do these things
My elder kid got us tickets for gm 5. If it proves to be unnecessary that'd be fine.
FYI I just received an email, Phillies World Series Ticket Purchase Opportunity Registration, from phillies.com info@mail.mlblists.com with a link to register for a drawing for the opportunity to purchase World Series tickets which will be selected by random drawings and notified via e-mail with instructions on the ticket purchase process including dates, times and ticket limits for these sales. I don't know if it is legit but here is the link: https://e.mail.mlblists.com/click?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
I got that message, too.
I got it too and filled it out. Not expecting anything, but if I did - it would be a sign that I should bail on classes and travel north from VA