Or not let this negative karma and momentum carry over into 2019. See the sorry finishes to 1995 and 1999 and the respective seasons that followed them.
This offseason is a crossroads. This is supposed to be year four of the five year plan. A losing season will mean they are behind schedule. If they bomb next year, it will mean that the five year plan was a failure. Either we bring in stars to put in the middle of the cast of supporting actors we've assembled or we may have to face the music and say it's time to can everyone from MacPhail on down and start over again with another five year plan. Of course one catch to that is with the Orioles in their current state, it's a bad time to try to tank your way to the #1 pick.
At this point, we may be working on one of the worst Septembers in franchise history. As of now, we are 6-16 here in September. I don't have the time to look up every season's Septembers on baseball-reference, but going off my recollections of dismal Septembers, we've had four Septembers going back to 1984 where the Phillies won nine games--just less than double digits--the entire month (1984, 1988, 1995, 1999).