All vaccines have a certain known risk. There is a federal program to pay people when they do suffer from known risk of vaccines. It is paid into by the vaccine makers. If someone gets a vaccine, and alleges they are injured they apply to the program. There are certain vaccine tables that are updated regarding certain vaccines, known, diseases or injuries caused by them and time in which the symptoms of the disease occur. You can also get money if you get something off the table and go the aCourt if they are denied. I actually worked on a couple f vaccination appeals in the federal district court. One I remember is that flue shots cause Guillan-Barr syndrome.
The point I am making s that all these things are studied and associated. Vaccines do cause known injuries, that’s why the government pays you when you suffer one. All vaccines are a case of risk to reward. Our kids are vaccinated before they going to school knowing that some kids will suffer adverse effects, including death. The risk is very small. Like most operations, wher we sign an informed consent, knowing there is an inherent risk of surgery, but the benefits outweighs. In the case of all approved vaccines, the government has axe a decision for the benefit of all society that the risk is worth the reward of spreading a deadly or debilitating disease. Our personal rights cannot outweigh that. It’s part of the price we pay to be in society. Vaccine mandates are prices we pay to participate in public schools or work for certain employers. You can home school or go live off the grid f “your freedom” is so important.
Also the Covid vaccines don’t stop the virus from going up your nose. They don’t create an immune shield tat stops penetration of the virus. They do send an army of soldiers from your immune system to fight the virus and Reece to sread t other cells. So you can catch Covid, but if your immune system reduces the spread, you will have a smaller viral load to spread to other people.