"Brown needs to enforce this with playing time - if Simmons refuses, he should sit and it should be made clear to him this is not only for the good of the team, but himself as well.
If Brown is unable or unwilling to compel his players to improve their games, then he needs to go. Development is totally vital to the success of any team."
Yup, your first sentence is exactly what I've been saying to people I discuss the team with at work. He said on a conference call "all I can tell him to do is shoot, there's nothing else I can do" or something else to that effect, and I found that ridiculous. As a coach, he needs to discipline players and not stick to his lackadaisical, hands-off, it's all the player's responsibility approach. Embiid probably needs a stern talking to about taking care of himself for his longevity as well. Maybe that's something ownership and/or Brand makes clear to Brett this offseason. If so, and he actually cares enough to discipline and enforce consequences, maybe it can work. But I'd have to see it to believe it.
As to those who asked who I would prefer, I don't follow enough of the college coaches or other coaches enough to know. I think most coaches could have gotten this team to the win total they achieved, I don't think Brett did anything unique or special. He's just the status quo so people assume everyone else would just be worse. Good thing for Milwaukee and Toronto that they didn't stick to the status quo -- they may be sitting on their couches like the 76ers are.
We see he's staying, so it is what it is. I firmly doubt anything is going to change on the court in terms of being a legit contender, so I'm just distancing myself. If I hear Simmons is shooting or something miraculous like that I'll get back in, but I don't need to watch an old movie where the ending is obvious. Watch too many sports over the year to make that a priority. I will be FLOORED if Simmons does anything different next year than he did this year.
And I will say one thing in possible defense of Brown -- I would love to know if that one report is true about Brand looking into dealing Simmons for being uncoachable, only to have it vetoed by ownership. If Brand / Brown identified that and ownership truly shot them down, this team has FAR, FAR bigger problems than Brett anyhow.