I assume that's a joke about the Dodgers. I agree SF is in the mix. But the secret about Seattle is the weather there is actually incredible half the year - and the half when baseball players actually have to be there. If proximity to Japan reaching Asian fans/marketing is the priority, Seattle and SF and LA are certainly the frontrunners.
I wouldn't write off Texas either. I think the reason Texas and Chicago were the teams he considered the first time (along with all the Pacific teams) was because they'd both had Darvish.
I don't believe the Yankees will write the check either. Question is would Steve Cohen, given the setback. He'll still listen, but it probably won't happen. Same would be true of the Phillies if they actually considered it. He's also much less appealing to the Phillies if he can't pitch (even if he can again eventually). They certainly don't need a DH.