Here's the deal.
zambonir created this topic in the hope that we could separate coronavirus discussion that applies to the Phillies, to MLB, to sports generally, from all the other coronavirus discussion - which ranges all over the place, from links to research articles to outright CT. I think this is a reasonable separation, and I ask that you all please try to respect it, OK?
If people err - and if it's straightforward to do so - I can sometimes move off-topic posts from this thread to the general thread. (I've moved three such posts already today.) However, I cannot do that effectively if there are active discussions in both threads, or if people decide to combine sports-related and off-topic stuff in the same post. Things get all mixed up. So... I'll move posts when that's relatively easy; when it's not easy, I will likely just delete off-topic stuff from this thread, unless it's ignored and nobody tries to respond to the OT stuff. I'd rather not delete material, but if an OT discussion breaks out here... well, don't say I didn't warn you!
If you're not sure which thread to use - use the general thread, NOT this one. And if you feel obliged to comment on this "policy," please don't do that here - it's OT!